Ravi Varma

There is a very famous saying. “Prayer succeeds, when all else fails”.

The dancer we present to you today is a living example of this. We bring you a story of a dancer who fought against all his fears to be who he wanted to be. We learnt a new way of living life when we interviewed this man. Hope you do too.

Inspired by an ad in a cricket match, Ravi Varma started his dance journey by trying to imitate the iconic moonwalk step by everyone’s favourite Michael Jackson, who also happens to be Ravi’s first inspiration. Today he teaches dance all over the country and believes his teaching changed the lives of so many people. Because that’s what he calls it. You don’t learn dance. He believes, dance changes your life. And we couldn’t agree more!

His mother, father and brother work in the police department, but he chose to carve his own path and entered the dance industry instead. And of course, there were all kinds of hurdles and all kinds of struggles. But did they stop him? No. Not even once. He faced all kinds of familial and societal pressure. But when one day his mother came up to him and told him how much she respected him for the way he has worked towards his dreams, none of those mattered to him. That was his biggest motivation.16425905_10209039257798888_9052466194337114809_n.jpg

He strongly opposes, calling what he has faced throughout his journey, “struggles”. It is these “struggles” that have shaped him to become the person he is today. He is who he is, he is where he is, because of all of them. All this, for his passion. Wouldn’t everything be easier if we all started seeing life this way? This man owes his success to his struggles. Clearly, if one is headstrong enough to pursue what they want, come what may, life will surprise them in the sweetest way possible.

When we said Ravi is a living example of hope in life, we were not kidding. Like everyone, he had made a tough choice. A point came in his life where he doubted his decision. He prayed the entire night for some miracle to happen or just some ray of hope and the very next day he got a call from down south to choreograph for a few schools and colleges. This was it. God had shown him the way. He was highly appreciated for his work and he knew that after this point, he will never doubt his decision again.

From all the funny incidents that have happened in his life, he chose to tell us about the time he was living with Ryan Martyr, Sambo Mukherjee, Sandeep Chhabra and Abhishek Das. He learnt what happiness was when he was them. No matter what the situation was, they always laughed about it, together, and all would be better. And why not! Laughter is the best medicine.

When asked about his personal opinion about a career in dance, he strongly agrees that it indeed is highly difficult and this is the case in any art field. Be it singing or dancing. However, that being said, he still does not believe it’s impossible. You just need to believe you can do it. Of course it is hard because it is the road less travelled. However, you can pass through it if you are determined enough and if the determination is there, there is nothing to be worried about. All you need to do, then, is continue.13325505_10206989831364508_5492333132956231078_n

When we asked him, who he thinks is that one dancer who deserves to get a perfect 10, he said that no one does. He would rather give someone a 9.9 because there is always some room for improvement. But yes, a dancer who believes he has more to learn than to offer, definitely deserves a perfect 10.

Currently he is looking forward to compete in the world finals of World of Dance. But he strongly believes life is full of surprises.

Catch him in action: Youtube Channel

Ravi’s message to you all-

“Be a good human being who always helps and loves someone unconditionally. Then, your life will be beautiful”



Article by: Ascharya Dagur

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